السبت، نوفمبر 12، 2022

You Own Nothing

One should believe that he actually owns nothing in this world. The fact that everything changes, makes nothing should be taken for granted. You can't control others even if they said to be in close connection to you; because in the end they have their own lives, their own emotions, their own experiences they have passed through, their own lives! Your family and close belongings, they are close to you and there is always something special between you, this should not let you think that they got to be taken for granted.

To make it simpler, you can measure it on yourself. You can see how your feelings move ups and downs, change from time to time. You - also - should not be taken for granted from others' perspective as well.

I'd say it's obvious that the journey in this life is a singular journey. People around you are very important contributors in your life events, however you are still alone in your feelings, yourself thoughts and your true journey in this life. This should not be a depressing talk, it's the truth. And I believe that if one understands such concept, it will help him live this period of time in life peacefully.

It is true that one has to be always attached to something. I'd say this thing should be his or her drive to complete this journey of life. But one cannot attach himself to something that changes, that is not solid. One should attach himself to something absolute, whole that does not rely on anything else. One should always attach himself along this journey to the almighty God. God never changes, has the same definitions forever, and you can take your prayers to Him for granted. You can make sure that He always listen, that His plan is the best and that - actually - there is no other plan could take place.

But this belief might not be easy, one can find it challenging to keep himself attached - only - to the almighty God, and that's what I would define: self-edification. From this point, your hopes, your joy, your lusts, your effort, your thoughts, everything would be in its right place and with the suitable portion, and that's what I would define: wisdom.

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